The #1 Way to create Financial Freedom in your Beauty Business

I opened my Instagram this week to a video message about the success one of my coaching clients had with a new client. And her service ticket was INSANE!
She did over $600 in sales with just ONE client!
Do you think that’s because of something I did? No.
It’s because my client has created an environment where her clients feel like they are incredibly cared for and the client received a THOROUGH consultation.
Her client felt connected to her.
Her client TRUSTED her.
And if you are not seeing these results, it may be because you have a hard time detaching from the clients wallet because you are paralyzed by survival mode.
The #1 Way to create Financial Freedom in your Beauty Business is to focus on serving your clients with a servants heart and reject survival mode.
How do we do this?
We emotionally detach from the clients wallet and serve with a SERVANTS HEART.
Asking open ended questions in our consultations and providing transformative solutions for our clients that will leave them feeling confident and beautiful until their next visit in our gorgeous space.
I got into coaching for this very reason. To walk along stylists as they not only unlock their earning potential but to teach women how to lead with heart, anchored in strategy.
Why don’t we all focus on serving and sit in gratitude from it’s fruitful rewards.
My prayer for you is that God fills your chair with your dream clients and that you serve them with a servants heart.
If you want results like my client, book a 30 Minute Mentor Session to learn more about 1:1 Coaching or my upcoming Group Coaching Class of 2024 starting in January.
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